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How to solve the wrinkles and visual defects of the film during the production of laminated glass?

How to solve the wrinkles and visual defects of the film during the production of laminated glass?

The film in laminated glass is pulled during cutting, and the film is retracted after cutting, causing some edges to have no film; the key to the processing is to ensure uniform and sufficient exhaust between the glass and PVB, if the rolling roller is not flat and heated Uniform, pre-pressed venting may result in insufficient exhaust or premature edge sealing of the film, which may cause visual defects such as curves, dark streaks, and spots due to residual bubbles, uneven film thickness, and impurities.

Solution: When processing the film, the focus is on placing the film on the glass and ensuring that there are no wrinkles between the films. Keeping the surface temperature of the laminated glass between 21 ° C and 27 ° C before entering the autoclave can help avoid wrinkles. Produced and can alleviate visual defects.