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Effect of glass thickness on visible light transmittance

Effect of glass thickness on visible light transmittance

The visible light transmittance is the ability of the glass to transmit to visible light. As can be seen from the table below, as the thickness of the glass increases, the visible light transmittance of white glass and ultra-white glass decreases to varying degrees.

In the case of multi-cavity insulating glass applications, due to the large number of glass sheets, special attention should be paid to the problem of visible light transmittance. For example, the three-glass two-chamber hollow glass composed of three 87% ordinary white glass has a visible light transmittance of only about 66%; and the same configuration of three 91% ultra-white glass, the visible light transmittance can be close to 76%. The color difference is also large.

Typical ordinary white glass and ultra-white glass visible light transmittance.