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Why do many buildings in the end of the last century use blue glass?

Why do many buildings in the end of the last century use blue glass?

At the end of the last century, many buildings used blue glass and walked on the street, with a reflective blue everywhere. Many people have doubts, why is it so popular at the end of the last century? In fact, the glass used at that time was not only blue glass, brown, blue, and green glass, but also the main object of the building at that time.

Although colored glass has more functionality than white transparent glass, in fact, the use of colored glass is more because the color is good. At the end of the last century, colored architectural glass has just been introduced to the market. The use of white glass is too common, and colored glass can be said to represent modern fashion. However, the fact that the stained glass is not suitable for ordinary civil buildings.

The room with the tinted glass window, even in the light, is a little dim. If you watched the old movie, you can see that the room with the tinted glass has a serious feeling. The green glass is sinister due to the color blending, and the red one is self-evident. The bold use of these glasses at that time was in people's pursuit of color. In the end, blue glass was the most gentle and widely used because it was similar to the color of the sky.

In addition, there are some objectivity problems, such as ultra-white glass is more expensive, white transparent glass is easy to get dirty, colored glass is easy to cover and shade, blue glass is more in line with people's imagination of space, and finally leads to blue at the end of the last century More glass. Nowadays, the use of glass is more functional, such as tempered glass that is not easy to injure, and hollow glass that is specially made to achieve sound insulation. In the future, the development of streaming media may make the function of glass more powerful. !