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What are the new requirements for building energy saving for glass curtain walls?

What are the new requirements for building energy saving for glass curtain walls?

China's building energy consumption is two to three times that of developed countries in the same climatic conditions. In the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, the task of energy conservation and emission reduction is very arduous. Building energy conservation is the basis for improving residential comfort and reducing the cost of use. It is also an urgent requirement for sustainable development. Only by putting resources and reducing energy consumption in a prominent position can we promote the construction of a harmonious society.

65% of building energy efficiency is mainly borne by the building envelope system. In the outer protective structure, the glass curtain wall, which is a major feature of modern architecture, was widely used in China's construction projects in the 1990s, but there are also many problems, such as improper glass selection, so that the solar energy through the glass in summer is other materials. Several times the wall; the selected sealant has poor bonding effect, the glue joint is not in place, the rubber strip is not tightly sealed, the structure is deformed to produce cracks, and the cold and hot air permeation is serious; the profiles, thermal insulation materials, and filling are used. The material is unreasonable, the node is not correct, and the spacers are not effectively disposed between the components, so that the amount of heat loss in the room is large; in addition, the light pollution generated by the glass reflecting light and the structure is not strong and becomes a 'time bomb' in the air.

What are the new requirements for building energy saving for glass curtain walls?

Due to the consideration of construction costs, some construction units and design units use materials and construct ordinary glass curtain walls. In order to make this kind of glass curtain wall project to achieve a large amount of energy saving, it is required that all construction personnel of the project must carefully design according to the Technical Specifications for Glass Curtain Wall Engineering (JGJ102-2003) and relevant technical standards and energy conservation regulations. Careful construction, strict management, and good energy conservation.