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Current market analysis of architectural glass manufacturing



China's glass manufacturing industry has made great progress in recent years, especially in the field of deep-processed glass such as laminated glass and tempered glass, including the introduction and renewal of production equipment, and the localization of some equipment, etc. The development of the glass industry laid the foundation.

Current market analysis of architectural glass manufacturing

China's glass manufacturing industry has made great progress in recent years, especially in the field of deep-processed glass such as laminated glass and tempered glass, including the introduction and renewal of production equipment, and the localization of some equipment, etc. The development of the glass industry laid the foundation.

User demand trends

Due to the improvement of living standards, the requirements of users for buildings are also increased. The requirements and expectations can be summarized as follows: good energy saving - the glass used can save the cost of heating and air conditioning; the comfort is strong - the glass used has Good sound insulation performance, sufficient indoor lighting, summer solar radiant heat, and sufficient thermal insulation performance in winter; reliable quality - regular appearance, stable performance, and safety; reasonable price - reasonable price and affordable. Comfort is even more important for the wealthy, but low prices are still extremely important for the general public.

China's architectural glass manufacturing industry has its advantages

China's glass manufacturing industry has made great progress in recent years, especially the technological progress in the field of deep processing glass, including the introduction and renewal of production equipment, localized manufacturing of some equipment, etc., which laid the foundation for the development of the entire glass industry in the future. . At present, float glass has 125 production lines with huge production capacity; hollow glass has formed a high- and medium-range large-scale production pattern; coated glass has sufficient production capacity to meet the needs of the market; in addition, all kinds of glass varieties are fully equipped for production. Basic raw materials can be used for localization. In terms of technology, the hardware has production equipment synchronized with the international, the software has the same level of technology as the international, and the overall advantages are obvious. Low is still extremely important.